
Crassula Capital Launches ICO on 23 January 2018 to Invest in Cryptoсurrencies and Bullion Markets

- The Investment Partnership "Crassula Capital"(hereinafter Crassula Capital) announced today a plan to launch of its ICO, to raise funds for investments in cryptocurrencies and precious metals markets.      (Logo: ) Crassula Capital comes from bullion market and has ability to make money in new investment fields (cryptocurrencies). Having access to many markets and investment tools, we believe there are many great opportunities lay ahead in conjunction with cryptocurrencies and bullion markets.  By joining Crassula Capital everyone is free from difficult investment tasks and able to earn more. There are many benefits of the Investment Partnership: 1) The strategy of Crassula Capital is pragmatic and includes two investment plans: 2) A large investment budget of Crassula Capital expands the scope of diversified investments and reduces operating costs. 3) Crassula Capital has time and knowledge in the analysis of the market situation and procedures for selecting promising crypto assets. 4) Crassula Capital has opportunity to participate in pre-ICO, ICO, private subscriptions of financial & technical companies, in the state programs (Sandbox Approach) on favorable terms. In conclusion there's a topical quotation from Vitalik Buterin"It is difficult to choose where to invest in…..". Crassula Capital comes here to perform these tasks. The ICO is open to everyone, visit us at . The ICO is open from January 23th to March 15th, 2018, valued at US$100M and priced at US$100 per Crass token. For participation in ICO the Partners get: For participation in Bounty campaign Crassula Capital everybody can earn ethereum at a rate of up to 0,5% of the ICO volume. It's our way of thanking our backers, and it's our commitment to honor this offer. Twitter @crassulacapital  | Telegram  |  Related Links: