A Work of Bae Dong-shin, a World-Renowned Painter of South Korea, Sold for 1.5 Million Dollars at an eBay art auction
- As for the works by Bae Dong-shin, a nude painting which was 56x38cm, ten times as large as this one, was sold for 360,000 dollars to a Japanese collector around October 2014. The recent sale of the work by Bae Dong-shin registered South Korea's highest price per ho, the size unit for Korean paintings. Further, it made Bae the first South Korean artist successively sold at eBay auction, a world-class online art market. Meanwhile, according to BBC in July 2014, eBay signed with Sotheby for online auction operation. Bae Dong-shin debuted as a painter into the Japanese art community as a full member of Jiyu Bijutsu Association in 1943 when he was selected for Jiyu Bijutsu Association Exhibition. Returned to Korea, his home country, Bae Dong-shin worked in Gwangju, his home town. And having upgraded watercolor, previously regarded as a study in Korea, to a legitimate genre of fine art, the painter was recognized in his country as the 'authority in Korean watercolor painting' when he was alive. The specific eBay auction site below. Photo: